Sunday, February 17, 2013

教會建堂預算修正案投票結果 (The voting result for the revised budget proposal of OMAC building project)


教會建堂預算修正案於今日 (2月17日) 投票, 共有75位活躍會友親自或委託另一位會友出席, 佔104位全體活躍會友的72% 。投票結果如下: 50票同意 (67%), 21票不同意 (28%), 4票棄權 (5%), 建堂預算修正案達到2/3多數, 正式通過將預算由加幣130萬元增加到155萬元 (包括5萬元準備金)。教會感謝弟兄姐妹對建堂事工的支持。建堂工程即將開始, 請弟兄姐妹繼續以禱告及行動支持。長議會與建堂小組將以謙卑心態繼續聽取並回應弟兄姐妹對建堂事工的建議。

明道 傳道 敬上

Dear All,

The voting for the revised budget proposal of church building project took place today (Feb. 17). 75 (72%) of total 104 active members either personally or authorized another member to attend the special meeting. With 50 voting yes (67%), 21 voting no (28%), and 4 abstaining (5%), the revised budget was approved by 2/3 majority, and the budget is officially increased from C$1,300,000 to $1,550,000 (including $50,000 contingency fund). We thank for your support for the building project. The elder board & the building committee will humbly listen to & communicate with brothers & sisters continuously as we prepare to start the construction in the near future.

In Him
Mingtao (Paul)

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