Tuesday, April 13, 2010


顾学斌弟兄4月2日,星期五晚上,渥太华国语宣道会为了纪念主耶稣的受难,举办了一个别开生面的《逾越节晚餐会》,近70 位弟兄姐妹和新朋友参加了晚餐会。为了筹备这次晚餐会,许多弟兄姐妹花费了大量的业余时间,按 照犹太人的传统准备了正宗的犹太人庆祝逾越节吃的食物,无酵饼,葡萄汁,鸡蛋,欧芹(parsley),鱼饼,肉卷等。

晚餐会还特别请来了犹太人出身的基督教宣教士Karl desouza, 他讲解了犹太人过逾越节的意义,仪式及各种食物代表的意义。无酵饼代表主耶稣的身体为世人的罪而破碎,葡萄汁代表主耶稣为洗净我们的罪而流的血,蛋和绿色蔬菜代表主耶稣给我们带来了新的生命和希望…..他带领大家享用了犹太人传统的逾越节晚餐。


From the introduction of Passover Haggadah bookletThe Passover seder is an ancient ceremonial meal which can be traced back to the Exodus from Egypt. The seder ceremony is an object lesson; the items on the table, many of the foods eaten, all help to tell the story of the departure from Egypt. But within the symbolism of the modern Passover seder and within the Passover story lies a message of a greater redemption, redemption for all mankind found in Jesus the Messiah.
