Monday, February 11, 2013

T&T Gift Cards Fundraising

Our church has been selling T&T Gift Cards to raise fund for our church building project. T&T allows us to purchase $20,000 worth of cards each year, and we will get 10% discount ($2,000) toward our building fund. Another words, for every card we sell, T&T will give us 10% for our fundraising.
When we first ordered $8,000 T&T cards last October, we didn’t even come close to the strong demand. We ordered $12,000 again in January, and started selling the cards in February. The cards are now sold out again, in about 2 weeks period. Praise the Lord!
Special thanks to brother Robert Wu for his faithful work dealing with T&T. He made sure every single card was entered correctly, and personally verified every single card to have the amount as expect on the T&T scanner. This process took hours in T&T.
We also thank T&T for their active charity support in our community.
Thank you brothers and sisters! We have successfully raised $2,000 for our church building fund this round. We will do it again this October!

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