在昨天的建堂投票後, 明怡與我有很深的反省: 一方面我們感謝神的帶領與弟兄姐妹的支持, 讓教會的建堂事工得以繼續推動; 另一方面我們為過去未盡全力與不同意見的會友善盡溝通之責而深感愧疚。今早重新回想昨日Chris 牧師的證道, 提醒自己要盡力帶領長議會及建堂小組, 並與全體會眾 "用和平彼此連絡, 竭力保守聖靈所賜合而為一的心" (以弗所書 4: 3)。
有鑑於此, 教會將定期與弟兄姐妹就建堂的相關問題以 "會友通訊" 形式與大家分享。首期 "會友通訊" 請
按此下载。您若有任何反饋, 請與長老們 (胡干城, 蘭青道, 崔魯寧), 建堂小組成員 (洪旗, 吳允泰, 吳炎東, 蘭青道, 李丹, 黃鴻芬, 孫曉玲) 或我連繫。教會將在未來繼續發行 "會友通訊" 與弟兄姐妹溝通。有關建堂的相關信息在教會博客上亦可查看。謝謝, 並祝 平安喜樂!
明道 傳道 敬上
Dear All,
Ming-I & I had lots of reflections after the voting result yesterday. On one hand we thank God & OMAC members for giving us 2/3 required majority to keep the building project going; on the other hand we feel that our tasks of on-going communication & answering the concerns different members might have on building project are far from done. As I reflect on what Pastor Chris preached yesterday, I commit to each of you that I will do my best to lead the elder board and building committee and "make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3).
So here is the first "Communique" (
issue 1 :-). Please kindly read the attachment & provide your feedback to elders (Allan, Chris, Luning), building committee members (Hong Qi, Robert Wu, Yandong, Chris, Li Dan, Heidi & Xiaoling). We will continue to issue "Communique" in the future if we have new information or questions on building project. You could also visit our church website for related information. Thank you & God bless.
In Him
Mingtao (Paul)