問題一: 渥太華國語宣道會(以下用我們代表)擁有將來新堂建地的所有權嗎?
Q1. Will OMAC own the land the building is on?回答一。 沒有,所有產業包括土地最終都在宣道會東區區會的名下。 但除非我們脫離宣道會,正常情況之下,我們有權利對自己的產業進行處理(買賣出售). 但目前計畫中在East Gate興建的新堂,將來在處理上可能會出現困難. 因為我們只有權利處理建築物本身,而土地則屬於East Gate Alliance Church (EGAC)管理. 除此之外,現有新堂設計是將我們的新堂藉由中央門廳與EGAC的現有建築連接.除非我們將來出售的對象也是教會團體, 只出售建築物本身(不含建地)幾乎不可行. 關於建地的使用,只要我們繼續我們的事工,EGAC 會允許我們使用.
A1. No, The title of the property including land is registered under the Eastern District.. Disposal of the building property in future will be an issue because OMAC does not own the land. Now the building is connected to EGAC via the lobby/foyer selling just the building part will be near impossible except to a church group. OMAC will be able to use the property as long as we continue our ministry there.
問題 二。 如果EGAC不再允許我們使用土地,我們怎麼辦?
Q2. If EGAC no longer permit us to use the land, what do we do? 回答二。 這種風險的可能性非常低,但仍然有可能。 正在起草中我們與EGAC的物業協議 , 將除去/降低這種風險。 作為ICAC的成員,如果我們和EGAC有衝突無法解決時,區會將介入協助調解。
A2. This risk is very low, but it is there. The property agreement that is being drafted will remove this risk/mitigate the risk. As member of the ICAC construct, District will get involved if EGAC and OMAC can not resolve
問題三。 什麼是ICAC?
Q3. What is ICAC?回答三:ICAC代表International Community of Alliance Churches (宣道會教會國際社區) 目前它包括使用菲律賓語,阿拉伯語,西班牙語的教會. 國語宣道會使用漢語而我們將在近期加入。ICAC所有組成教會擁有獨立自主的身分並在財務上各自獨立。通過正式協議,在大家共同認為可以最有效推動的事工上,共享資源 。草擬中的事工和產業協議 , 就是要反映這樣的概念/模式
A3. ICAC stands for International Community of Alliance Churches (currently it has the Philippianal, the Arabic, the Spanish and with OMAC coming soon). All members retain their own identity and operate independently financially. Through formal agreements, sharing of resources will happen in ministry areas that are agreed upon and make sense in orderto maximize efficiency and effectiveness of God given resources. Ministry agreement and property agreement will be drafted to reflect this concept/model
問題四。 我們必須加入ICAC嗎?
Q4. Must we join ICAC?回答四。 所有跡象表明 , 加上執事會到目前為止的看见, 我們會加入ICAC。 這是自願的。 執事會也傳達並且採取行動來表明我們正朝著這個方向努力。 如果加入ICAC需要會眾正式投票來認可,執事會將召開會友大會對此進行投票。
A4. All indications to date and the board see that we will. This is voluntary. This has been communicated and actions taken to show that we are heading into that direction, If we need the congregation to vote formally , we will.
問題五。 我們是否要與EGAC合併?
Q5. Are we going to merge with EGAC?回答五: 不是. 我們並不是要與EGAC , 儘管這個”合併”這個詞出現在EGAC建堂計畫--問題與回答的部分. 我們將在最大限度上與EGAC合作但必須是我們會眾覺得合適的方法。 合作是 需要信心和信任的來自我們和EGAC。
A5. No we are not “merging’ in spite the use of this word in EGAC Q&A. We are going to collaborate with EGAC to the maximum extend possible and the congregation has to be comfortable with the approach. Even collaboration requires faith and trust between EGAC and OMAC.
問題六: 加入ICAC對OMAC意味著什麼?
Q6 What are the implications for OMAC by joining the ICAC ?回答六:這意味著與其他ICAC成員在適當的情況下資源共享。 我們將成為一個更大家庭的成員。 詳情將通過制訂正式協議。
A6. The implications are resources sharing with other members of the ICAC. We will become a member of a bigger family. Details will be work out through formal agreements.
問題七。 如果在建立新堂後, 我們因種種原因財政上難以為繼,我們怎麼辦?
Q7. What if we can no longer operate OMAC (financially unsustainable)for whatever reason after a few years from moving in?回答七。 我們需要對我們的建堂預算設置一個債務門檻( 即借貸金額). 如果建堂預算超過此一門檻 我們就不建堂。 建堂財務委員會將向執事會提出這樣的數據讓執事會可以據此作決定. 我們的目標應該是在惡劣的情況下承受最低的債務負擔。同樣 , 我們需要會友的承諾和來自長執良好的領導 , 以確保在我們搬入新堂後長期財務的可行性(visibility). 總之 ,我們要團結成為一家人來共同面對挑戰。
A7. We need to set a threshold for our debt (i.e. mortgage sum) above which we will not build. The financial committee will work this out what this level is and recommend to the board for decision. We should aim for the lowest debt load for the worse scenario. Again we need commitment from the members and good leadership to ensure long term financial viability of OMAC after moving in. In short we need to stick together as a family and face the challenge together.
問題八。 為什麼我們要與EGAC分攤污水系統及擴建大堂成本?
Q8. Why are we contributing to the sewage line cost and the foyer cost?回答八。 我們同意分攤這個費用 , 因為我們將同樣受惠。 光是我們所使用的化糞池系統估計費用將大約介於75K和90K。 有很大的機會是市政府將要求EGAC擴大其目前的化糞池系統 , 以應付所有的需要。 如果我們現在不作,未來的化糞池的擴建將面臨許多困難.
至於我們分擔EGAC大堂擴建的費用 ,是因為我們可用以用占我們預算一小部分的成本但卻可以使用和EGAC一樣大的空間。 我們也希望藉此證明我們願意和EGAC共同實現一個這樣的異象: 一個一起分享資源, 去擴建神國超越渥太華這個地區的群體。
A8. We agree to cost share because we will be the benefactor. The estimated cost of a septic system to service OMAC alone will be between 75K and 90K. Chances are that the city will force EGAC to enlarge its current septic system. Future expansion will be problematic if not out right difficult and land use will be very restricted. We contribute to the Foyer expansion is because we will be using the space as much as EGAC at a small % of the total cost. We also wish to demonstrate that OMAC’s intend to partner with EGAC to realize the joint vision.—a community coming together to share their resources in advancing His kingdom in Ottawa and beyond. It is more blessed to give than to receive. We are not taking “ what is in it for us” approach but rather a more of a “Kingdom” view approach
問題9。 如果不包括使用EGAC的教室, 目前的設計不能滿足我們需要的。 我們是否有權利擴建?
Q9. Current design does not meet our need without using EGAC rooms. Do we have right to expand?回答9。 目前的設計受到成本的約束。 不過,在設計的討論過程中, 通過協議, 我們已取得在10:30AM之前使用EGAC的教室 , 。 房間可以增加, 一旦將來足夠的資金到位後. 而現有的設計也預留未來的擴建的可能性。 大堂也可以作為教室使用在主日崇拜之前(現有設計包括兩個隔開的房間)
A9. The current design is cost constrained. However, we have secured the use of EGAC classrooms before 10:30 through the agreement and during the design discussion. Rooms can be added as funds become available in the future and expansion is built into the current design. The large foyer area can also be used prior to service time as classrooms (there are two curtained off rooms)
問題10。 一旦我們崇拜人數達到250人(現有設計大堂最大容量),我們會擴堂嗎?
Q10. What will OMAC do if we reached a 250 attendance on Sunday?回答10。 我們讚美上帝 , 然後再另植一新堂。 但現在並不是一個問題。
A 10. We praise the Lord first and then plant another church. If is a none issue for now.
問題11。 為什麼我們要在EGAC現有的位置建堂?
Q11. Why are we building at EGAC location?回答11。 a. 我們(執事會)認可ICAC異象/架構; b:這是一個不錯的選擇 , 這將有助於OMAC實現其5年的遠景和發展目標;c: 加入ICAC也將有助於OMAC實現其理想和目標。 最重要的是,執事會認為這是神的帶領和祂的時間。
A11. a. we subscribe the ICAC vision/construct; b. It is a good choice that will help OMAC to realize its 5 years vision & development goal; and c. Joining ICAC will also aid OMAC in achieving its vision and goals. Most importantly, the board senses it is God’s timing.