Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Penny Driving Project

from letter sent to parents from the OMAC Fundraising Committee:Each child is a blessing. We are very grateful for God's tremendous blessings to our church.

The children learn to love the Lord, God's word, the chuch and all people in our children's program. The little ones are dearly loved.

In our church fundraising project, we also would like to provide the opportunities for children to participate in the penny drive project.

Firstly, it is a way for children to practice offering as a gift to God. God appreciates each penny they give from their hearts.

Secondly, it is to show children they are contributing to our future new church building in a tangible way that can instil a strong sense of belongoing to the church.

Thirdly, children will learn what is consistent giving with a specific purpose.

We are promoting the penny drive project in the children's project. For parents who agree their child/children paritcipate in the project, they will take the church bank home by signing the constent form.

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