Saturday, November 23, 2013

Snow day information for OMAC members (國語宣道會會友: 冬季注意事項)


平安! 為保持教會地面的清潔, 請大家在雪季中多帶一双鞋到教會內使用

此外, 若遭遇暴風雪需要取消當日的主日崇拜 (上一次教會取消崇拜是在2008年3月 :-), 我們會在主日上午8奌半前採取以下方式通知大家:
<1> 在教會網頁 <> 公告;
<2> 以電郵通知 (經由 <>);
<3> 以電話通知教會通訊錄上的各家庭, 弟兄姐妹及朋友

謝謝合作, 並請各位在冬季小心開車敬祝 主恩滿溢!

明道 傳道 敬上

Dear All,

(1) To keep church floor clean, please kindly bring an extra pair of indoor shoes to church during the snow season.

(2) If we encounter snow storm and need to cancel Sunday service (the last time we cancelled our service was in March 2008 :-), we will do the followings on Sunday morning before 8:30am: 
Post the notice on church website <>;     
Send an e-mail through this list <>;
Notify church members & friends whose phone no. are listed on our church directory.

Thanks for your cooperation. Please drive safely in the winter season. God bless.

In Him
Mingtao (Paul) 

Friday, November 15, 2013

菲律賓颱風救災特別奉獻 (Special offering for Philippines typhoon relief aid)‏


菲律賓於11月8日遭受颱風襲擊, 估計有上萬人死亡, 60萬人無家可歸, 災民近千萬人。教會將於11月17日~12月1日收取特別奉獻, 並交由宣道會總會送至災區統籌使用。所收得的奉獻, 加拿大政府亦將等額撥出救災專款。弟兄姐妹若有感動奉獻, 請在奉獻信封的 “差傳” 項目中註明 “菲國救災”, 並請在禱告中記念災民及災後重建工作。 

明道 傳道 敬上

Dear All,

A typhoon struck Philippines on Nov. 8 and caused tremendous casualty: it is estimated that more than 10,000 dead, 600,000 homeless and affected victims reach 10 millions. We will collect special offering during Nov. 17~Dec. 1, and these offerings will be used for relief aid via C&MA National Office. The Canadian government will match your offering 100% for relief fund. Please specify “Philippines relief aid” under “Mission Fund” column on the offering envelope when you make special offering. Please also remember these victims and relief work in your prayers.     

In Him
Mingtao (Paul)

Monday, September 2, 2013

2013: Updates at the Construction site - Aug 30, 2013

These photos were taken by brother Yandong when he was working on site last Friday. The photos will tell a thousand words. The roof trusses of office wing already arrived on site. The project supervisor Gleason said they would install roof trusses and sheathing next week. The volunteers would work on roof (nailing) next Work Day.

Office wing exterior

Office wing framing

Wood joists at lounge & nursery

Roof trusses arrived

Office wing framing

Sewer line at parking lot

Friday, August 23, 2013

2013: Saturday Work Day at the Construction site - Aug 17, 2013

We had another work day last Saturday. The main task was to dig a ditch according to the design around the sign board in order to build a concrete island at the parking lot entrance. It was a labor intensive work as there were rocks underground. We had a great OMAC volunteer force out there. Thank you!

This is the progress report from the week ending Aug 16.

As of today, all foundations are finished, concrete is filled, steel frames and beams are set up. We started the project in spring, everything is on schedule and on budget. If everything goes as planned and with our Heavenly Father's blessing, we may move in to the new building around February 2014.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

2013: Evangelistic Meeting on Sept 27-29

渥太华国语联合布道大会将于9月27-29日在渥太华华人宣道会 (22 Eccles Street, Ottawa, ON)举行。由洪予健牧師领会。主题是《永恒的呼唤》。三个晚上(7:30)的布道分题分别是:周五:“认识永生 – 眼睛未曾看见”,周六:“进入永生 – 耳朵未曾听见”, 周日:“活在永生 – 人心未曾想到”,并且有专设儿童节目。另外,周六下午2:00-4:00有专题讲座:“从三维视角看教会的建造”,无儿童节目。欢迎大家参加。

Friday, June 7, 2013

Up Coming Events


教會將於本周六 (6月8日) 上午 9-10時 在以下2間中文學校分發教會單張, 6月14日佈道會單張及號角月報:

(1) 東區欣華中文學校 (在 Samuel-Genest 中學, 704 Carson's Rd., 離 Montreal Rd. 及東門宣道會很近) -- 詳情請連繫明怡師母

(2) Barrhaven 中文學校 (在 St. Joseph 高中, 3333 Greenbank Rd., 在 Strandherd Dr. 以南) -- 詳情請連繫李丹姐妹或曲珊姐妹

國語佈道會 (講員: 張路加牧師) 將於 下周五 (6月14日) 晚上 7奌半在華基 (116 Empress Ave., 在唐人街) 舉行, 海報如附件, 請邀請慕道友參加!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

社區發福音單張活動: 本周六 (6月8日)


教會將於本周六 (6月8日) 上午 9-10時 在以下2間中文學校分發教會單張, 6月14日佈道會單張及號角月報:

(1) 東區欣華中文學校 (在 Samuel-Genest 中學, 704 Carson's Rd., 離 Montreal Rd. 及東門宣道會很近) -- 詳情請連繫明怡師母

(2) Barrhaven 中文學校 (在 St. Joseph 高中, 3333 Greenbank Rd., 在 Strandherd Dr. 以南) -- 詳情請連繫李丹姐妹或曲珊姐妹

國語佈道會 (講員: 張路加牧師) 將於 下周五 (6月14日) 晚上 7奌半在華基 (116 Empress Ave., 在唐人街) 舉行, 海報如附件, 請邀請慕道友參加!
明道 傳道 敬上

Community Outreach this Saturday (June 8)

Dear All,

We will have community outreach events (distributing OMAC flyers, Mandarin gospel meeting flyer & Herald Monthly newspaper) this coming Saturday (June 8) during 9-10am at the following 2 locations:

(1) XinHua Chinese School (@ Samuel-Genest Secondary School, 704 Carson's Rd., off Montreal Rd., very close to EGAC): please contact sister Ming-I if you have any question.

(2) Barrhaven Chinese School (@ St. Joseph High School, 3333 Greenbank Rd., south of Strandherd Dr.): please contact sisters Li Dan or Qu Shan for details. 

The Mandarin gospel meeting will be held next Friday (June 14) 7:30pm at CCCO (116 Empress Ave., in Chinatown area). Please invite seekers/non-believers to attend this event.
In Him
Mingtao (Paul)

Church website:
Facebook group: OMAC
Church blog:
Personal blog:



Friday, May 31, 2013

建筑执照已经核发! (We got the building permit!)

感谢主, 市政府已于529日正式核发建筑执照新堂堂址现正进行整地工作并将在68 ~ 29日 (每周六上午8点半至下午4点半East Gate宣道会有“工作日”, 需要多名义工, 请有感动的弟兄姐妹 (最好自备手套及工作靴) 周登科执事联系。

Praise the Lord! The City issued us building permit on May 29th. We are doing ground excavation work now. We will have “Work day” at EGAC during June 8th ~ 29th (every Saturday 8:30am ~ 4:30pm) and we need many volunteers. Please contact Kevin or Dengke if you are willing to volunteer (it is better to bring your own working gloves & boots).

Sunday, April 7, 2013

2013年第2季 (4~6月) 中文成人主日學

(1) 永生第一年:這是救恩 教師: 吳劍平弟兄,蘭青道長老, 吳飛弟兄
課程簡介: 「永生的第一年」帶領初信的基督徒(或已信主一段時日,但仍需要在基督裡奠定美好根基的信徒),以一年的時間,熟悉聖經關於救恩的重要教導,並以門徒訓練的方式,幫助他們學習過一個正常的基督徒生活。整個課程包括四大部分:「這是救恩」、「這是生命」、「這是聖經」、「這是真理」。循序漸進地介紹基督徒的信仰初階。本季度將學習「這是救恩」。課程的特點在于特別注重學習過程中學員的參與和討論,以及在生活中的應用。 適合對象: 初信者及慕道友,或未上過“新生命”及“新生活”課程的基督徒

(2) 新約聖經書卷: 使徒行传
教師: 林克胜弟兄,张瑜弟兄, 朱冬弟兄

課程簡介: 使徒行传是新约唯一的历史书。她叙述了教会在耶路撒冷的开始,成长和受害;
適合對象: 欢迎弟兄姐妹和慕道友参加。

(3) 美滿婚姻 DVD 課程  教師: 陳明道及賴明怡夫婦,吳允泰及李立夫婦, 劉克勇及凱慧夫婦
課程簡介: 本課程使用 “啟發課程” (Alpha Course) 的 “美滿婚姻課程” 教材, 以集體討論, DVD教學, 見證分享及夫婦個別練習的方式 (若夫婦無法一起參加, 則鼓勵他們在平日周間以共同作業來複習上課內容) 來幫助夫婦共同建立經營美滿幸福的婚姻與家庭。本課程以聖經對婚姻家庭的觀點出發, 輔以實際的操作練習技巧, 期能協助夫妻改善彼此關係, 在婚姻生活中經歷主恩。課程內容大綱包括建立穩固根基、溝通的技巧、化解衝突、寬恕的力量、雙方的父母、及愛的表達方式。
適合對象: 歡迎弟兄姐妹和慕道友参加, 特別鼓勵夫婦一起報名上課。

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

2013: 渥太華國語聯合培靈會: 神喜悅的人生

渥太華國語福音事工聯合會將於4月12~14日 (周五~周日) 晚上 7點半~9點半在渥太華華人基督教會 (116 Empress Ave.) 舉辦 “神喜悅的人生” 國語培靈會, 講員為黃子嘉牧師 (曾任台灣台北中華福音神學院院長, 美國新澤西州若歌教會主任牧師)。分題為 -- 周五: 相信的人生; 周六: 盼望的人生; 周日: 相愛的人生。聚會免費入場, 備有兒童看顧, 會後並有茶點招待, 歡迎參加。周六下午2:00~3:30 另有 “成聖的人生” 專題講座 (但不設兒童看顧)。若有問題, 請與朱冬執事或陳傳道連繫。

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Another Work Day on our future church building this Saturday (March 23)

Of note is that we had many women helping us this time compared to last
time, which is great to see!  It was a very tiring day though, and I think
we got about 50-70% of the wood dealt with, depending on how you count the
-- brother Andy Statia

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Church building ground breaking ceremony: March 29 (Friday)

Dear All,

We will have ICAC joint Good Friday service & baptism on March 29 (Friday) from 10am to 12noon at East Gate Alliance Church (EGAC). After the service (around noon) we will have ground breaking ceremony for our new building, to express our thanksgiving to His faithful guidance. And after the ground breaking ceremony we will return to the lobby for joint potluck lunch -- please bring "finger food" (food do not need fork & spoon, such as spring roll, sandwich or pizza) & share them with EGAC & Filipino congregations.

I was a member of OMAC building committee more than 10 years ago. We were ready to purchase a building for our church new site then, but it did not go through because of certain reasons. Imagine what OMAC would have become today if we had purchased that building back then!

In 2007 I was called back to OMAC to serve with the leaders, and one of the main goals then was to build our church at EGAC site. The progress has been slow in the past 6 years, but now the revised budget of our building project was approved, the fundraising target was reached, our building loan was approved by Christian Stewardship Services, and the only obstacle now is the building permit --let's pray that it will be approved by the City within 2 months!

Many of us went to our new site to cut down the trees last Saturday (March 9). When I saw the trees fell down one by one, I became very emotional and my heart was filled with thanksgiving to our Lord! If God permits, we will move to our new site at EGAC by the end of this year (2013): this is not only an important milestone of OMAC since her inception in 1995, but also a strategic foundation for our future ministries in campus, family & next generation, outreach in Ottawa East, cross-cultural endeavors, as well as church planting in Gatineau!

I would like to appreciate each of you for participating in the journey of building project together. I also praise the Lord for everything He has done for us & for OMAC. "To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praised and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!" (Revelation 5: 13)

In Him
Pastor Paul
March 16, 2013   

國語宣道會新堂開工典禮: 3月29日 (周五) 中午在 East Gate(東門)宣道會 (新堂預定堂址)


教會將於3月29日 (周五)上午10~12時在東門宣道會, 舉行國際社區宣道會受難節聯合崇拜及洗禮, 之後 (預計在中午)在新堂預定堂址將有開工破土典禮, 藉此感謝神在建堂事工上一路的信實引領。典禮後在教堂大廳內將有簡易午餐, 請大家準備不需用到餐具的食物 (例如: 春卷, 三明治, 披薩等)前來與東門宣道會及菲律賓教會的會眾一起分享。

回想十多年前教會的建堂事工本已預備購買特定堂址, 但因某些因素而功虧一匱, 當時身為建堂小組的一員, 至今回想起來仍不勝唏噓! 2007年回到教會全職服事, 其中一個目標就是與教牧同工一起推動在東門宣道會的建堂事工。經過6年的努力, 至今建堂修正預算獲會眾同意通過, 募款目標也告達成, 基督教理財機構 "Christian Stewardship Services" 也通過建堂貸款, 唯一的障礙 -- 建築執照 -- 也可望在2個月內批准!

上周六 (3月9日) 與弟兄姐妹們一起在新堂堂址砍樹, 看見大樹一棵棵的倒下來, 心中既激動也充滿了感恩! 若主許可, 盼望我們可以在今年年底前搬至新堂 -- 這不只是教會創堂18年來的一個重要里程碑, 也是今後繼續推動校園 (學生) 事工, 家庭及第二代事工, 東區福音事工, 跨文化事工乃至在 Gatineau 植堂的重要基地! 感謝主在一切事上的信實帶領, 也感謝弟兄姐妹的忠心服事!「但願頌讚、尊貴、榮耀、權勢都歸給坐寶座的和羔羊,直到永永遠遠!」(啟 5:13)

主內 明道 傳道 敬上

Monday, March 11, 2013

Cutting down trees: The first job we are tackling ourselves!

Mar 9, 2013
We have over fifteen people from OMAC and about 10 from East Gate participated. It is wonderful to see brothers and sisters coming out to help. The project will be cutting down about 100 trees, and is going to save about $9,000 thanks to Pastor Bill and all volunteers.


The Saturday started in the snow covered grove breathing the crispy fresh early spring air under a deep blue sky. Some say it's a fun day and others say it's a "historic" day. It's anyway as usual a very good day that the Lord has made. Big trees were put down; Trunks, branches and bushes were cut off, pulled away and cleared out. The future site of our OMAC, a big expansion of the ICAC (International Community of Alliance Churches) was being cleaned, prepared and filled with excitement. A very nice site indeed accompanied by some wow's; didn't they say that when God sends off a piece of land, it always comes with full fixings of milk and honey?

Milk and honey weren't yet served. Instead, the must-have Tim Horton's with all other goodies were rushed in for the start. By 8:30am, all brothers got into the slog, both the EGAC and the OMAC mighty crews. If you haven't seen how MingLiang climbed a tree top to hoop it solid, or how Pastor Bill chopped the tree down afterwards in all skills and tricks, you've missed the show. But you can still be pleasantly surprised by finding all the brothers super handy, cutting, pulling, carrying, pushing, "pushing the button" too, and of course, commenting. Youths, straight haired and curly ones, weren't slacking at all, putting in pretty strong arms and legs. And if you do some project calculations, Ming-I has to be hired because of the food and drinks she can contribute and the construction work she can take on. Inside the kitchen, loads of pizzas were baked and salads tossed. Lunch was simple but ate with the best appetite. By the end around mid of the afternoon, all were exhausted, sore, satisfied and felt every bit of success for a good early spring Saturday. The chantier was left calling for more work of another day- weren't we told that the last 10 percent takes 90 percent of extra effort?! The kitchen was however finished spotless because we knew that our sisters and brothers at EGAC would love it all clean.

-- Li Li

Monday, February 25, 2013

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2013

Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Ottawa Alliance Church (OMAC) was held on February 24th from 9:45 to 11:15 am in church Bate Hall. A total of 45 active members of the congregation attended the meeting and 12 members authorized one of the attendees to vote on their behalf. Church Financial Report of 2012 was reviewed and approved with 54 ayes, 0 nays and 3 abstentions. Church Budget of 2013 was also reviewed and approved with 54 ayes, 1 nay and 2 abstentions.

Elder Chris Lan
OMAC Board Secretary

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

教會建堂預算修正案投票之後: 會友通訊 #1 (The Day after the voting: Communique #1)


在昨天的建堂投票後, 明怡與我有很深的反省: 一方面我們感謝神的帶領與弟兄姐妹的支持, 讓教會的建堂事工得以繼續推動; 另一方面我們為過去未盡全力與不同意見的會友善盡溝通之責而深感愧疚。今早重新回想昨日Chris 牧師的證道, 提醒自己要盡力帶領長議會及建堂小組, 並與全體會眾 "用和平彼此連絡, 竭力保守聖靈所賜合而為一的心" (以弗所書 4: 3)。

有鑑於此, 教會將定期與弟兄姐妹就建堂的相關問題以 "會友通訊" 形式與大家分享。首期 "會友通訊" 請按此下载。您若有任何反饋, 請與長老們 (胡干城, 蘭青道, 崔魯寧), 建堂小組成員 (洪旗, 吳允泰, 吳炎東, 蘭青道, 李丹, 黃鴻芬, 孫曉玲) 或我連繫。教會將在未來繼續發行 "會友通訊" 與弟兄姐妹溝通。有關建堂的相關信息在教會博客上亦可查看。謝謝, 並祝  平安喜樂!

明道 傳道 敬上

Dear All,

Ming-I & I had lots of reflections after the voting result yesterday. On one hand we thank God & OMAC members for giving us 2/3 required majority to keep the building project going; on the other hand we feel that our tasks of on-going communication & answering the concerns different members might have on building project are far from done. As I reflect on what Pastor Chris preached yesterday, I commit to each of you that I will do my best to lead the elder board and building committee and "make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3).

So here is the first "Communique" (issue 1 :-). Please kindly read the attachment & provide your feedback to elders (Allan, Chris, Luning), building committee members (Hong Qi, Robert Wu, Yandong, Chris, Li Dan, Heidi & Xiaoling). We will continue to issue "Communique" in the future if we have new information or questions on building project. You could also visit our church website for related information. Thank you & God bless.    

In Him
Mingtao (Paul)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

教會建堂預算修正案投票結果 (The voting result for the revised budget proposal of OMAC building project)


教會建堂預算修正案於今日 (2月17日) 投票, 共有75位活躍會友親自或委託另一位會友出席, 佔104位全體活躍會友的72% 。投票結果如下: 50票同意 (67%), 21票不同意 (28%), 4票棄權 (5%), 建堂預算修正案達到2/3多數, 正式通過將預算由加幣130萬元增加到155萬元 (包括5萬元準備金)。教會感謝弟兄姐妹對建堂事工的支持。建堂工程即將開始, 請弟兄姐妹繼續以禱告及行動支持。長議會與建堂小組將以謙卑心態繼續聽取並回應弟兄姐妹對建堂事工的建議。

明道 傳道 敬上

Dear All,

The voting for the revised budget proposal of church building project took place today (Feb. 17). 75 (72%) of total 104 active members either personally or authorized another member to attend the special meeting. With 50 voting yes (67%), 21 voting no (28%), and 4 abstaining (5%), the revised budget was approved by 2/3 majority, and the budget is officially increased from C$1,300,000 to $1,550,000 (including $50,000 contingency fund). We thank for your support for the building project. The elder board & the building committee will humbly listen to & communicate with brothers & sisters continuously as we prepare to start the construction in the near future.

In Him
Mingtao (Paul)

Monday, February 11, 2013

T&T Gift Cards Fundraising

Our church has been selling T&T Gift Cards to raise fund for our church building project. T&T allows us to purchase $20,000 worth of cards each year, and we will get 10% discount ($2,000) toward our building fund. Another words, for every card we sell, T&T will give us 10% for our fundraising.
When we first ordered $8,000 T&T cards last October, we didn’t even come close to the strong demand. We ordered $12,000 again in January, and started selling the cards in February. The cards are now sold out again, in about 2 weeks period. Praise the Lord!
Special thanks to brother Robert Wu for his faithful work dealing with T&T. He made sure every single card was entered correctly, and personally verified every single card to have the amount as expect on the T&T scanner. This process took hours in T&T.
We also thank T&T for their active charity support in our community.
Thank you brothers and sisters! We have successfully raised $2,000 for our church building fund this round. We will do it again this October!