Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Penny Driving Project

from letter sent to parents from the OMAC Fundraising Committee:Each child is a blessing. We are very grateful for God's tremendous blessings to our church.

The children learn to love the Lord, God's word, the chuch and all people in our children's program. The little ones are dearly loved.

In our church fundraising project, we also would like to provide the opportunities for children to participate in the penny drive project.

Firstly, it is a way for children to practice offering as a gift to God. God appreciates each penny they give from their hearts.

Secondly, it is to show children they are contributing to our future new church building in a tangible way that can instil a strong sense of belongoing to the church.

Thirdly, children will learn what is consistent giving with a specific purpose.

We are promoting the penny drive project in the children's project. For parents who agree their child/children paritcipate in the project, they will take the church bank home by signing the constent form.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chairs from East Gate Alliance Church

Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 11:33 PM
To: OMAC Church

Dear All,

East Gate 宣道會近日添購新座椅, 並願將原有300張座椅送給我們將來新堂落成後使用。 教會需要大家幫忙, 在本周日 (1月31日) 下午2奌 到 East Gate宣道會將這些座椅搬到地下室的儲藏室, 謝謝您的協助。

East Gate Alliance Church has purchased new chairs recently. They will pass the current 300 chairs to us after we move into East Gate. We need your assistance to move these chairs to the storage room in East Gate basement this coming Sunday (Jan.31) at 2pm. Please come & help.


In Him
Mingtao (Paul)

Monday, February 1, 2010

OMAC Fundraising Lunch - By Luke Cell Group and Holy Cell Group

Date: Jan 24, 2010
Event: OMAC Fundraising Lunch for church building project
Cell Groups: Luke Cell Group and Holy Cell Group
Food Menu:
1. 肉燥饭(Main course) $5,
2. 各样饮料(Beverages) $1,
3. 小菜、甜品(Appetizers/Desserts) $2
Money raised: $708.85 (collected) - $187.40 (cost) = $521.45

OMAC's first Sunday Service in 2010

OMAC joined the international churches service at East Gate Alliance Church on Jan 3, on the first Sunday of 2010.

Photo 1: The prime minister Harper attended the service too. He was invited to read the scriptures.

Photo 2: Our sister Wang Yi was baptized during the service. The baptismal service was performed by our pastor Chen, followed by the OMAC choir presentation "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee".

Photo 3: Children read bible scriptures in their own languages. They were reading Acts 2:1-21.
Photo 4: Pastor Bill of East Gate preaching. Sermon title: "Fresh Start"