Friday, April 11, 2014

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Just to let you know that our new church building has passed the final inspection and got the occupancy permit today. We can now officially use the new building to have our Sunday meetings (9:15am for Sunday school, 10:30am for Sunday service). See you all on coming Sunday (April 13th) at our new church (550 Codd’s Rd.) and thank you for your prayer and support!!


教会新堂在今天顺利通过了市政府的最后检查, 并且拿到了新堂的使用执照. 我们将于本周日(4月13日, 9点15分开始主日学, 10点半开始主日崇拜) 开始正式使用我们的新堂 (550 Codd’s Rd.) 来敬拜赞美神! 再次感谢大家的代祷与支持!!