Saturday, November 23, 2013

Snow day information for OMAC members (國語宣道會會友: 冬季注意事項)


平安! 為保持教會地面的清潔, 請大家在雪季中多帶一双鞋到教會內使用

此外, 若遭遇暴風雪需要取消當日的主日崇拜 (上一次教會取消崇拜是在2008年3月 :-), 我們會在主日上午8奌半前採取以下方式通知大家:
<1> 在教會網頁 <> 公告;
<2> 以電郵通知 (經由 <>);
<3> 以電話通知教會通訊錄上的各家庭, 弟兄姐妹及朋友

謝謝合作, 並請各位在冬季小心開車敬祝 主恩滿溢!

明道 傳道 敬上

Dear All,

(1) To keep church floor clean, please kindly bring an extra pair of indoor shoes to church during the snow season.

(2) If we encounter snow storm and need to cancel Sunday service (the last time we cancelled our service was in March 2008 :-), we will do the followings on Sunday morning before 8:30am: 
Post the notice on church website <>;     
Send an e-mail through this list <>;
Notify church members & friends whose phone no. are listed on our church directory.

Thanks for your cooperation. Please drive safely in the winter season. God bless.

In Him
Mingtao (Paul) 

Friday, November 15, 2013

菲律賓颱風救災特別奉獻 (Special offering for Philippines typhoon relief aid)‏


菲律賓於11月8日遭受颱風襲擊, 估計有上萬人死亡, 60萬人無家可歸, 災民近千萬人。教會將於11月17日~12月1日收取特別奉獻, 並交由宣道會總會送至災區統籌使用。所收得的奉獻, 加拿大政府亦將等額撥出救災專款。弟兄姐妹若有感動奉獻, 請在奉獻信封的 “差傳” 項目中註明 “菲國救災”, 並請在禱告中記念災民及災後重建工作。 

明道 傳道 敬上

Dear All,

A typhoon struck Philippines on Nov. 8 and caused tremendous casualty: it is estimated that more than 10,000 dead, 600,000 homeless and affected victims reach 10 millions. We will collect special offering during Nov. 17~Dec. 1, and these offerings will be used for relief aid via C&MA National Office. The Canadian government will match your offering 100% for relief fund. Please specify “Philippines relief aid” under “Mission Fund” column on the offering envelope when you make special offering. Please also remember these victims and relief work in your prayers.     

In Him
Mingtao (Paul)