Wednesday, March 27, 2013

2013: 渥太華國語聯合培靈會: 神喜悅的人生

渥太華國語福音事工聯合會將於4月12~14日 (周五~周日) 晚上 7點半~9點半在渥太華華人基督教會 (116 Empress Ave.) 舉辦 “神喜悅的人生” 國語培靈會, 講員為黃子嘉牧師 (曾任台灣台北中華福音神學院院長, 美國新澤西州若歌教會主任牧師)。分題為 -- 周五: 相信的人生; 周六: 盼望的人生; 周日: 相愛的人生。聚會免費入場, 備有兒童看顧, 會後並有茶點招待, 歡迎參加。周六下午2:00~3:30 另有 “成聖的人生” 專題講座 (但不設兒童看顧)。若有問題, 請與朱冬執事或陳傳道連繫。

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Another Work Day on our future church building this Saturday (March 23)

Of note is that we had many women helping us this time compared to last
time, which is great to see!  It was a very tiring day though, and I think
we got about 50-70% of the wood dealt with, depending on how you count the
-- brother Andy Statia

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Church building ground breaking ceremony: March 29 (Friday)

Dear All,

We will have ICAC joint Good Friday service & baptism on March 29 (Friday) from 10am to 12noon at East Gate Alliance Church (EGAC). After the service (around noon) we will have ground breaking ceremony for our new building, to express our thanksgiving to His faithful guidance. And after the ground breaking ceremony we will return to the lobby for joint potluck lunch -- please bring "finger food" (food do not need fork & spoon, such as spring roll, sandwich or pizza) & share them with EGAC & Filipino congregations.

I was a member of OMAC building committee more than 10 years ago. We were ready to purchase a building for our church new site then, but it did not go through because of certain reasons. Imagine what OMAC would have become today if we had purchased that building back then!

In 2007 I was called back to OMAC to serve with the leaders, and one of the main goals then was to build our church at EGAC site. The progress has been slow in the past 6 years, but now the revised budget of our building project was approved, the fundraising target was reached, our building loan was approved by Christian Stewardship Services, and the only obstacle now is the building permit --let's pray that it will be approved by the City within 2 months!

Many of us went to our new site to cut down the trees last Saturday (March 9). When I saw the trees fell down one by one, I became very emotional and my heart was filled with thanksgiving to our Lord! If God permits, we will move to our new site at EGAC by the end of this year (2013): this is not only an important milestone of OMAC since her inception in 1995, but also a strategic foundation for our future ministries in campus, family & next generation, outreach in Ottawa East, cross-cultural endeavors, as well as church planting in Gatineau!

I would like to appreciate each of you for participating in the journey of building project together. I also praise the Lord for everything He has done for us & for OMAC. "To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praised and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!" (Revelation 5: 13)

In Him
Pastor Paul
March 16, 2013   

國語宣道會新堂開工典禮: 3月29日 (周五) 中午在 East Gate(東門)宣道會 (新堂預定堂址)


教會將於3月29日 (周五)上午10~12時在東門宣道會, 舉行國際社區宣道會受難節聯合崇拜及洗禮, 之後 (預計在中午)在新堂預定堂址將有開工破土典禮, 藉此感謝神在建堂事工上一路的信實引領。典禮後在教堂大廳內將有簡易午餐, 請大家準備不需用到餐具的食物 (例如: 春卷, 三明治, 披薩等)前來與東門宣道會及菲律賓教會的會眾一起分享。

回想十多年前教會的建堂事工本已預備購買特定堂址, 但因某些因素而功虧一匱, 當時身為建堂小組的一員, 至今回想起來仍不勝唏噓! 2007年回到教會全職服事, 其中一個目標就是與教牧同工一起推動在東門宣道會的建堂事工。經過6年的努力, 至今建堂修正預算獲會眾同意通過, 募款目標也告達成, 基督教理財機構 "Christian Stewardship Services" 也通過建堂貸款, 唯一的障礙 -- 建築執照 -- 也可望在2個月內批准!

上周六 (3月9日) 與弟兄姐妹們一起在新堂堂址砍樹, 看見大樹一棵棵的倒下來, 心中既激動也充滿了感恩! 若主許可, 盼望我們可以在今年年底前搬至新堂 -- 這不只是教會創堂18年來的一個重要里程碑, 也是今後繼續推動校園 (學生) 事工, 家庭及第二代事工, 東區福音事工, 跨文化事工乃至在 Gatineau 植堂的重要基地! 感謝主在一切事上的信實帶領, 也感謝弟兄姐妹的忠心服事!「但願頌讚、尊貴、榮耀、權勢都歸給坐寶座的和羔羊,直到永永遠遠!」(啟 5:13)

主內 明道 傳道 敬上

Monday, March 11, 2013

Cutting down trees: The first job we are tackling ourselves!

Mar 9, 2013
We have over fifteen people from OMAC and about 10 from East Gate participated. It is wonderful to see brothers and sisters coming out to help. The project will be cutting down about 100 trees, and is going to save about $9,000 thanks to Pastor Bill and all volunteers.


The Saturday started in the snow covered grove breathing the crispy fresh early spring air under a deep blue sky. Some say it's a fun day and others say it's a "historic" day. It's anyway as usual a very good day that the Lord has made. Big trees were put down; Trunks, branches and bushes were cut off, pulled away and cleared out. The future site of our OMAC, a big expansion of the ICAC (International Community of Alliance Churches) was being cleaned, prepared and filled with excitement. A very nice site indeed accompanied by some wow's; didn't they say that when God sends off a piece of land, it always comes with full fixings of milk and honey?

Milk and honey weren't yet served. Instead, the must-have Tim Horton's with all other goodies were rushed in for the start. By 8:30am, all brothers got into the slog, both the EGAC and the OMAC mighty crews. If you haven't seen how MingLiang climbed a tree top to hoop it solid, or how Pastor Bill chopped the tree down afterwards in all skills and tricks, you've missed the show. But you can still be pleasantly surprised by finding all the brothers super handy, cutting, pulling, carrying, pushing, "pushing the button" too, and of course, commenting. Youths, straight haired and curly ones, weren't slacking at all, putting in pretty strong arms and legs. And if you do some project calculations, Ming-I has to be hired because of the food and drinks she can contribute and the construction work she can take on. Inside the kitchen, loads of pizzas were baked and salads tossed. Lunch was simple but ate with the best appetite. By the end around mid of the afternoon, all were exhausted, sore, satisfied and felt every bit of success for a good early spring Saturday. The chantier was left calling for more work of another day- weren't we told that the last 10 percent takes 90 percent of extra effort?! The kitchen was however finished spotless because we knew that our sisters and brothers at EGAC would love it all clean.

-- Li Li