Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010 OMAC Theme - 2010年教會主題


裝備門徒, 建造教會
(太 28: 18~20; 弗 4: 12)


1. 裝備門徒: 裝備弟兄姐妹作委身於基督的門徒
(1) 以教會禱告會, 區牧會及分區領袖聚會, 來培訓關顧教會領袖及未來領袖
(2) 鼓勵弟兄姐妹每日讀經禱告, 參加主日學及小組, 見證交通, 提昇靈命
(3) 訓練弟兄姐妹個人佈道, 參與福音宣教事工, 領人信主, 帶人成長

2. 建造教會: 會眾同心建造一個合神心意的教會
(1) 裝備弟兄姐妹發揮恩賜, 各盡其職, 建立基督的身體
(2) 積極推動在東區的建堂事工, 並與East Gate宣道會更密切的合作
(3) 會眾努力在本地各社區播種紮根, 以期成為未來的聚會點

2010 OMAC Theme:
Making Disciples & Building up the Body of Christ
(Matthew 28: 18~20; Ephesians 4: 12)

The executive plan according to 2010 OMAC theme:

1. Making Disciples: equipping Christians to be disciples committed to Christ
(1) Using church prayer meeting, overseers’ meeting & regional leaders’ meeting to mentor current and emerging church leaders
(2) Encouraging Christians for daily devotion & participating in Sunday school and cell group, for the purpose of spiritual growth & community testimony
(3) Equipping Christians to engage in personal evangelism, winning lost souls & leading new believers to grow in Christ

2. Building up the Body of Christ: building our spiritual temple after God’s heart
(1) Training Christians to discover their spiritual gifts, so that the body of Christ may be built up
(2) Continuing our building project at East Gate Alliance Church & developing gospel outreach in Ottawa East
(3) Sharing gospel in various local communities, and preparing for future church planting

Bible Reading Schedule 2010

下载OMAC 2010年读经计划表